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LevelEleven doubles client base, triples revenue, hires 13

LevelEleven is 18 months old and starting to do what so many tech startups should concentrate on, generating revenue.

The downtown Detroit-based startup, a HelloWorld (formerly ePrize) spinoff, is hawking an enterprise gamification app that is native to the salesforce platform. The mobile app helps motivate sales professionals and track their progress. LevelEleven has doubled its customer base over the last year, taking on big-name clients like PayPal, Tifany & Co, and Quantcast.

"It's a combination of continually evolving the product (and some hiring)," says Bob Marsh, founder & CEO of LevelEleven. "The product is strong and solves a need. We also hired some strong sales people."

That growth in clientele has enabled LevelEleven to triple its revenue over the last year. That in turn prompted the company to hire 13 people (sales, marketing, engineering, and customer service professionals), expanding its staff to 20 employees and two interns. It currently has two open positions for an engineer and a sales professional.

LevelEleven is focused on further growing its client base and refining its business model to maximize revenue and profitability. It is also aiming to fundraise for a Series A later this year.

"We're just going to continue growing at the same pace," Marsh says.

Source: Bob Marsh, founder & CEO of LevelEleven
Writer: Jon Zemke

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