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Grandmont Rosedale : Features

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Imad List

From prisoner in Iraq to store owner in Detroit: Imad Morad's long journey to entrepreneurship

Once a prisoner of Al Qaeda with little hope of survival, Imad Agh Morad has made a new life as an entrepreneur in Detroit.

Land Forum List

Opinion: It's time to demystify the process of acquiring land in the city of Detroit

To help inform Detroiters looking to acquire vacant land, The Greening of Detroit, Michigan Community Resources, and the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights have collaborated in developing a series of workshops called "Land Forum."


Choosing to raise kids in Detroit: Why and how local families are doing it.

It's no secret that young professionals have gravitated to Detroit's urban center in recent years, but what happens when they start having kids? Nina Misuraca Ignaczak spoke with some families who have made the commitment to stay and raise their kids in the city.

Amr - Upwardly Global List

Immigrants translate skills, find jobs in Michigan

Many immigrants and refugees in Southeast Michigan left professional careers behind when they left their native countries. Global Detroit tells us about Upwardly Global, a program that helps immigrants adapt professional skills learned abroad to the workplace in Metro Detroit.


Moving on, but not too far

This is Walter Wasacz's last issue as managing editor of Model D. He waxes sentimental about his predecessors, talks about what's next for him professionally and even declares the coming season "a summer of love."    

Detroit Books List

Onward! New narratives for an old town

Matthew Lewis, Model D's new managing editor, muses about the past, present, and future of the publication.


Reflections of an old new guy

Our eternally youthful Detroit correspondent revisits his skinny, 25-year-old self, and name checks Dennis Archer and Spike Lee to help sort out what's next for the city. Take it away, Sir James Boyle.


Bill Rauhauser's decisive moment

Street photographer Bill Rauhauser, 95, has spent decades documenting Detroit and its people. Glen Morren sat down with Rauhauser and others to explore this legend's living legacy.


Dan Dirks: Building on 'heart and soul' of DDOT

A city bus system can only withstand so much disinvestment, and DDOT is on the brink. Mayor Mike Duggan recently appointed Dan Dirks, former SMART manager, to lead DDOT’s turnaround effort. Model D spoke with Dirks to find out how he plans to get the system back on track.


Is bike sharing success a real possibility for Detroit?

We welcome back Kelli Kavanaugh, Model D's former development news editor and now East Riverfront bicycle entrepreneur, who will be writing about cycling in the city over the coming months. First up: all you needed to know about bike sharing but were afraid to ask. 


Music is missing link in Detroit recovery

Essayist Keith Owens says Detroit needs to polish off its 'international gold standard' as a music city and re-emerge as a creative powerhouse to rival Memphis and New Orleans, at the very least. Let's start by helping to keep local talent in the city, he says. 


IdeaLab: A look into the future

We're excited to partner again with the Revitalization and Business Conference on Dec. 6. Presented by the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business, "IdeaLab" is a fast-paced, two-hour session with a stellar line-up of Detroit innovators.


Zipcars bring pay-by-the-hour motoring to the Motor City

Living without a car has never been easy in Detroit. But with Zipcar’s recent launch of a fleet of 40 vehicles across the city, the car-free dream just got a little easier. Nina Ignaczak looks at how the program works, Marvin Shaouni shows us visual proof.


Tour de Troit: Much more than a big bike ride

A dozen years after forming, the Tour de Troit has evolved from a small, leisurely group ride into an annual juggernaut attracting over 5,000 cyclists. Nina Ignaczak recaps the history and looks ahead as the organization forms a nonprofit to fund greenways.


Game not over: New beats flow in Detroit hip hop scene

Move over Marshall Mathers, respect to the memory of J Dilla, there is a new crop of Detroit artists and designers inspired by hip hop culture. Veronica Grandison follows the flow to meet the innovators making it happen now. 
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